The way out of stress breath embodiment release stress Dec 20, 2023

You experience stress and anxiety because you are disconnected from your body. Your mind is conditioned and your breath shallow. In that state, you are just a mind in reaction to its environment. You re-act the past. You live in the frequency of your heavy emotions. Your lifeline is chasing more...

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Inspired Words - the Evenness of the Breath breath breathe growth Sep 17, 2022

Some inspired words to inspire you to come back to your breath.

Read below, or Sound On to listen.


Enough of the old stories
Enough of the unworthiness
I am the one I am waiting for
I am my saviour
I am my counsel
I am my guidance

I walk this path embracing the unknown
I choose to see...

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Breath and Stress breath breathe breathwork diaphragramtic breath energy left nostril breath pranayama right nostril breath shallow breathing stress Aug 31, 2022

''As the breath, so the mind, as the mind, so the breath.''

''Deep breath, deep life. Shallow breath, shallow life.''


Those are just a couple of sayings that stuck with me over the years when relating to the power of breath. They so accurately express the positive impact of our capacity to...

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