Meditation or Breathwork: What should I do first? breathe breathwork breathwork vs meditation meditate meditation movement Dec 01, 2022

Should I meditate before doing breathwork, or do breathwork before meditation?

Meditation vs. Breathwork, is there a correct order?

Those are common questions I often get asked. Here is my take on it.

When talking about breathwork and meditation, I feel that it is beneficial to also mention...

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Inspired Words - the Evenness of the Breath breath breathe growth Sep 17, 2022

Some inspired words to inspire you to come back to your breath.

Read below, or Sound On to listen.


Enough of the old stories
Enough of the unworthiness
I am the one I am waiting for
I am my saviour
I am my counsel
I am my guidance

I walk this path embracing the unknown
I choose to see...

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Breath and Stress breath breathe breathwork diaphragramtic breath energy left nostril breath pranayama right nostril breath shallow breathing stress Aug 31, 2022

''As the breath, so the mind, as the mind, so the breath.''

''Deep breath, deep life. Shallow breath, shallow life.''


Those are just a couple of sayings that stuck with me over the years when relating to the power of breath. They so accurately express the positive impact of our capacity to...

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