The way out of stress

breath embodiment release stress Dec 20, 2023

You experience stress and anxiety because you are disconnected from your body. Your mind is conditioned and your breath shallow. In that state, you are just a mind in reaction to its environment. You re-act the past. You live in the frequency of your heavy emotions. Your lifeline is chasing more stuff or achievements. Your happiness relies on the outside.

You might think you are fine and happy. Yet if you experience deep sadness, anger, anxiety or fall into blaming others or circumstances; then ultimately, there is a malaise. This is not how you are meant to live.

The solution to most our modern world stress states is getting out of our mind and into our body, so we may use our mind and not be used by it. In doing so, we also are able to access a more creative way of living as the mind will only ever recycle what it already knows.

The way to reconnect with our body is breath, combined with movement, awareness, self-reflection. Gradually we exercise our capacity to ‘’drop in’’ and regulate ourselves. We learn how to manage the mind, balance the nervous system so we may efficiently respond to what life brings us instead of reacting and experiencing burnout. The self-reflection piece, combined with movement and breath serves as a decluttering process. With practice, we create space and perspective enough, so we release conditioned and limited thoughts, beliefs and behaviours.

Out of such decluttering emerges a state and feeling of presence, lightness, acceptance, understanding, belonging, empowerment – a love for one’s journey and for life itself.

Which ever way we go about it, the journey to enjoyment is through embodiment. There are no limits to what we can experience through our bodies and the consciousness which lies in it.

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