Love is the most consistently logical choice

love loveislogical perspective truth words Sep 27, 2022

Some inspired words about love.

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Through the shape shifting and morphing of my persona I loose and find myself again again and again.


My compass is my energy

Expansion is my north star

I feel it in my body as the resonance of truth


And truth is always love

I always find my way to alignment with my soul as I choose to see it from the lens of love


and I come back to love

and I choose love

and I see the spirit in her and him, in them and you


Each and everyone of us as souls navigating their contracts, playing the multidimensional life game in their oblivious body disguises


Refining their attunement between heart and  mind to catch glimpses of light


And if we find the courage to keep going, keep opening ourselves and our hearts, then coming to the reassuring and grounding realisation that


Love is the most consistently logical choice

It is the key

the liberation

the trepidation

the salvation

the upgrade

the fertile ground for mind blowing creation

the seed of limitless beauty

genuine connection

unconditionality and 



it just makes sense. In mind and body.


Love is the most consistently logical choice.


And in the words of Marianne Williamson,

''Spiritual understanding is a corrective to any false programming you might have received as a child.''


So I love and I keep seeking more perspective 

the wider my lens, 

the more love, 

the more energy, vitality

and the more rest

in spaciousness, freedom and  presence.


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